Apex, NC ranks 6th on this list!

When people think of ideal places to live, many envision the hustle and bustle of big cities. However, not everyone is drawn to bright lights and crowded streets. In fact, nearly one-third of Americans (31%) say they’d prefer the suburbs over urban areas (16%) and even rural communities (24%). For some, small-city life strikes the perfect balance. These towns provide the benefits of city living without the overwhelming pace or steep costs of major metropolitan areas.

The Perks of Small-City Life
Living in a small city comes with several appealing advantages. For starters, there’s usually more space to spread out—both in terms of housing and overall population density. It’s much easier to find affordable homes with larger yards, and there’s less traffic, meaning shorter commutes for those who work in or near town. Additionally, in small cities, you can enjoy tighter-knit communities, where the degrees of separation are fewer, making it easier to form personal connections.

One of the most significant perks, however, is affordability. For instance, in a small New York town, the average cost of living for a family of four is around $7,000 per month. Compare that to living in Manhattan, where the same family would need nearly twice as much—about $13,300 per month—just to cover basic expenses. That difference can make a massive impact on financial stability and overall quality of life.

The Trade-offs of Small-City Living
Of course, no living situation is perfect, and small cities do come with some trade-offs. For instance, there may be fewer restaurant options or shorter business hours, meaning you might have to plan your days differently than you would in a big city. But for many, these compromises are well worth the benefits.

What Makes a Great Small City?
If you’re curious about the best small cities in the U.S., WalletHub recently conducted a study comparing more than 1,300 cities with populations between 25,000 and 100,000. They used 45 key indicators of livability, such as housing costs, school-system quality, and even the number of restaurants per capita, to determine which small cities shine brightest. See the full study at wallethub.com/edu/best-worst-small-cities-to-live-in/16581

Whether you’re looking to escape the fast-paced urban life or simply searching for a more affordable and comfortable place to raise a family, small-city living could be the perfect solution. With fewer crowds, shorter commutes, and a tighter sense of community, small towns offer a lifestyle that’s big on quality without the big-city price tag.

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